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"National Development Processes in the Years of Independence" dedicated to 80th anniversary of Professor, Higher Education Excellence, Doctor of Philosophy Sadulla Atamuratov

Educational program catalog


Talented students

Nimatova Rokiyabonu Tolkinovna |
Nimatova Rokiyabonu Tolkinovna

The winner of the Beruniy State Scholarship is Nimatova Rokiyabonu To'lqinovna, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, group B21-15 mm1. The scientific supervisor is senior lecturer Iroda Usmonkhodjaeva.

Skubakova Arina Sergeyevna |
Skubakova Arina Sergeyevna

The holder of the Beruniy State Scholarship is Skubakova Arina Sergeyevna, a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Food and Wine Technology, group 22-35. Scientific professor Gulnoza Jakhangirova.

Abdullayev Firdavs Arslonovich |
Abdullayev Firdavs Arslonovich

The winner of the Beruniy State Scholarship is Abdullayev Firdavs Arslonovich, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, group B21-01uKT5. Scientific advisor is Professor Asror Jo'rayev

Muhamadjonova Mohina Nodirjonovna |
Muhamadjonova Mohina Nodirjonovna

The winner of the Beruniy State Scholarship is Muhamadjonova Mohina Nodirjonovna, a 4th year student of the B21-01uKT4 group at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. The scientific supervisor is Associate Professor Alfiya Oserbayeva.

Sodiqova Farangiz Jaxongirovna |
Sodiqova Farangiz Jaxongirovna

The holder of the Islam Karimov State Scholarship is Sodiqova Farangiz Jaxongirovna, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, group B21-16u. The scientific supervisor is senior lecturer Akbar Tokhirov.

Umaraliyev Asliddin Fakhriddinovich |
Umaraliyev Asliddin Fakhriddinovich

Umaraliyev Asliddin Fakhriddin oglu, 4th year B21-16u student of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, holder of the state scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Scientific advisor: Associate Professor Ulugbek Kadirov.

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