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University of Cantabria announces a new call for staff mobility in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA171 Program, for teaching or training activities for incoming staff

University of Cantabria announces a new call for staff mobility in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA171 Program, for teaching or training activities for incoming staff.

Applications will have four deadlines of submission:

Applications submitted until March 15, 2024

Applications submitted until September 20, 2024

Applications submitted until January 31, 2025

Applications submitted until April 18, 2025

Staff Week (training mobility) is planned to take place during the week of the 10th – 14th of June. It will be confirmed in the coming days, but for those who are willing to participate, must apply on the first application deadline (March 15, 2024).

You can find here the documents applicants must submit for training mobilities, including those to attend the Staff Week:

1) Application documents:

· Annex 2: Application Form

· Annex 3 B (mobility for Training): Mobility Agreement / Staff Mobility for Training 

UC Contact data (to fill in the Mobility Agreement / Staff Mobility for Teaching or Training) 

· Personal Data Consent Form

You can find here the documents applicants must submit for teaching mobilities:

1) Application documents:

· Annex 2: Application Form

· Annex 3 A (mobility for Teaching): Mobility Agreement / Staff Mobility for Teaching 

UC Contact data (to fill in the Mobility Agreement / Staff Mobility for Teaching or Training)

· Personal Data Consent Form

The relevant information can be found in the following link:

Please, read the call carefully and do not hesitate to contact International relations office if you have any questions.