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Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology has opened admission for 2025 to the institute of post-university education for independent research in the following specialties

(PhD) applicants must submit the following documents

1. Application.

2. Brief biographical information (objective - sample 3.5 in Uzbek and Russian form).

3. A certified copy of the employment book (for working applicants).

4. Master's degree of higher education institution, copy of diploma on higher education (on specialized programs).

5. List of published scientific works, as well as their copies (at least 1 article and 2 theses).

6. Written consent of the scientific supervisor (consultant).

7. 4 photos in 3x4 size.

8. Passport copy.

9. Copy of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (if available).

Applicants for doctoral study (DSc) must submit the following documents

1. Application.

2. Brief biographical information (objective, 3.5 forms according to the sample, in Uzbek and Russian forms).

3. A certified copy of the employment book (for working applicants).

4. A copy of the diploma of higher education, candidate of science or doctor of philosophy (PhD) or an equivalent scientific degree in foreign countries.

5. A scientific report on the topic of research and a detailed draft of the doctoral dissertation plan prepared for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc).

6. List of published scientific works, as well as their copies (at least 3 articles and 2 theses).

7. Written consent of the scientific supervisor (consultant).

8. 4 photos in 3x4 size.

9. Passport copy.

10. Scientific achievements (a copy of the document of the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan).

All documents are prepared in PDF format and sent with registration through the Single electronic system coordinating post-secondary education ( Documents will be accepted until November 10, 2024.

You can get additional information by calling (71) 244-39-81.