International scientific and practical conference


Information letter

"Current problems and prospects for technological processes and devices in industrial sectors"

(Tashkent - 2024, September 27 - 28)

On September 27-28, 2024, the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent) will host the first International Scientific and Technical Conference PACE - 2024 “Current problems and prospects for technological processes and apparatus in industrial sectors .”

The international scientific and technical conference “Current problems and prospects of technological processes and devices in industrial sectors” is dedicated to the latest processes, devices and prospects for the development of technologies for processing various raw materials and materials, the main goal of which is to promote the solution of scientific, theoretical and practical problems in the field of processes and devices by scientific and practical experience, the introduction of new information technologies into production and educational processes, generalization of the concept of creating integrated production complexes controlled by computers. 

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology

100011, Tashkent, st. Navoi, 32

Central Bank, Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Single Treasury checking account: 23402840900100001001

STIR: 201122919 МФО: 00014

Postal address: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, st. Istiklol, 29. SWIFT bank: CBUZUZ22

ТCTI checking account: 400110840262777094100350001

MFO: 00014 ИНН: 201053370 OKONX: 92110


Payment for the printed version of the Conference Proceedings will be made separately.




1) No more than 2 articles are accepted from each author;

2) Expenses for arrival, departure, trips to historical cities and meals are covered by conference participants themselves;

3) To participate in the conference you must submit to the Organizing Committee:

- report materials;

- application.



   Requirements for formatting report materials


The International Conference PACE-2024 (further edition) has the right not to consider articles published in violation of the current rules. Please note that the editors do not accept articles for publication if an identical article has already been published or exists in the portfolio of other media. Authors sending materials to the editor in Uzbek or Russian or English take responsibility not to share such materials with publications of any other media without the knowledge and official consent of the editors. The editors have the right to terminate further work with authors who violate the agreements below. The article is presented in electronic form.

Accepted report materials will be published in a collection in Uzbek, Russian and English. Report materials must be at least 4 pages in length, including methodology, results and conclusion, with accompanying figures and tables in MS format Word .docx / doc. Articles with a volume of 8 or more pages can be published in SCOPUS and Google Scholar platform journals.​

The PACE-2024 Organizing Committee does not generally accept peer-reviewed articles, although in very rare cases exceptions are possible for knowledge-intensive and critical articles on current issues. All submitted articles are checked for plagiarism using Turnitin. An article whose originality is below 80% will most likely be rejected.

Report materials must be provided in Uzbek, Russian and English in electronic form (preferably also in Russian).

Affiliated institutions, including city and country, mailing address, should be listed directly below the authors' names. You must place an index (*) next to the name of the corresponding author. It is recommended to include the authors' ORCID number in a superscript next to the names. Authors who do not have an ORCID may apply for a custom ORCID at

Email addresses must start on a new line, directly below the appropriate organization. It is strongly recommended that you include the email addresses of all authors.

Before submitting, you should check the visual display factors of all images and equations: readability, distortion of figures, blurriness, reduction, distortion of fonts, etc. in files of the .doc and docx. You must also ensure that all figures, tables and visual materials have a resolution of at least 800 DPI in .jpeg and .png. The sequences of tables and equations must correspond to each other. The text/image must be placed within the boundaries of the text area. The font used in the figures must be at least 6 pt.

Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single file (Word, RTF.doc.docx. files are accepted ).

Rejected report materials will not be returned.

The page size must be A4 210x297.

Margins: right - 1.5 cm, left - 2 cm, top and bottom - 2.5 cm, including tables and figures. One space for your text.

Use a single column layout with aligned left and right margins.

Font: Body - 12 pt. Times New Roman .

Footnotes – 10 pt . Times New Roman.

Article title - Times font New Roman , font size – 12 pt, capitals, line spacing – 1 space, bold font. After the title, 1 blank line is skipped.

Authors' names - the same font, size 12 pt, bold, lowercase. After the names, 1 empty line is skipped.

Information about the author - the same font, size 10 pt, italic, line spacing - 1 space, lowercase, centered.

Abstract and keywords - the same font, size 10 pt, italic, line spacing - 1 space, lowercase, justified , the word Abstract and Keywords are written in bold. The abstract must have a volume of from 150 to 250 words (at least 8 lines), font 10. An article in Uzbek must include an abstract and keywords in Russian and English, and an article in Russian, respectively, in English.

Headings - the same font, size 12 pt, bold, 1 line skipped before each heading. Subheadings are the same, but after the subheading the line is not skipped.

Body text - size 12 pt, Times font New Roman , paragraph 0.5, spacing 1, text aligned in width,

Drawings must be centered, size 10 pt, in the same font. Numbering and descriptions of pictures - centered, italic, lowercase, only picture descriptions in bold .

Formulas - numbering is placed in brackets (x) , it must be centered, size 10 pt, in the same font. Formulas should not be scanned, but should be clearly visible, typed using the MathType formula editor .

Tables - the table must be centered, the table numbering is placed in the right corner, only the table description is written in bold, all sizes are 10 pt, in the same font, lowercase. After the table, 1 empty line is skipped.

References - size 10 pt, Times font New Roman , the word REFERENCES in capital, bold font (if the list of references is in Russian, then it must be translated into English or transliterated in Latin letters (according to GOST)).


Arrangement fee:

For foreign citizens – $100.

Rejected report materials will not be returned.


The registration fee includes:

- Coffee break;

- Dinner;

- Participation in the conference;

- handouts;

- Dinner.


The author's name may appear in a maximum of two articles.

Address: 100011 Tashkent, M.Ulugbek st.-41, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Faculty of Technology of Chemical Substances, Department of Technological Machines and Equipment, room №.307.


Chairman of the organizing committee


KHAKIMOVA Gulnoz Nigmanovna – head of the department “Technological machines and equipment” TCTI, Tashkent.

Mobile: +99899-908-67-76

NURMUKHAMEDOV Khabibulla Sagdullevich – professor of the department of “Technological machines and equipment” of Tashkent Chemical Technology Institute, Tashkent.

Mobile: +99897-000-97-01

Nishanova Sadokat Khabibullaevna - mob : +99893-534-55-00;

Bekbaeva Feruza Urazalievna - mob. +99897-333-47-49;

Sultonov Javohir Valizhonovich - mob. +99897-429-89-04.

E -mail:

Submission of report materials for consideration is carried out according to the following deadlines:

until August 01, 2024 – submission of report materials for consideration

until August 15, 2024 - conclusion based on the materials of the reports

  • Conference
  • Sept. 26, 2024, 10 a.m.
  • Tashkent
  • +99899-908-67-76
  • +99897-000-97-01