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On May 18-20, the 25th International "Uzbekistan oil and gas" exhibition and the "3rd International Energy Forum" were held.

On May 18-20 of this year, "Young scientists scientific activity area", "Young scientists seminar" and "Case championship" organized within the framework of the 25th International "Oil and Gas of Uzbekistan" exhibition and the "3rd International Energy Forum" "students of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology also took part in the intellectual team game.

"Young technologists" and "Brain storm" teams, consisting of talented students of the departments of "Chemical Technology of Oil Processing and Chemical Technology of Gas Processing" took part in the intellectual team game "Case Championship" on behalf of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology

Also, within the framework of the "Young scientists' scientific activity area" and "Young scientists' seminar" programs, young scientists of the Department of Oil Refining Chemical Technology Yulduz Yuldasheva with the topic "Prospects for obtaining alternative fuels from biogas" and Tursinay Kongratbaeva "Finely dispersed graphite and its modifications actively participated with the topics "study as an antifriction additive for oils" and were awarded with certificates.