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On July 1, 2024, the next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

It was led by the rector of our institute Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich, vice-rectors, faculty deans and members of the council took part in it.

At the beginning of the meeting, on the occasion of June 30 Youth Day, Farrukh Erkinov, a senior teacher of the Department of "Silicate materials and technology of rare and rare metals" for his contribution to the implementation of the state policy on youth in the city of Tashkent, received a thank you letter and a souvenir from the mayor of Tashkent. was awarded with

After that, the issues on the agenda were discussed. In particular: the report of the educational process conducted in the 2023-2024 academic year by T.T. Safarov, vice-rector for educational affairs, was heard.

During the meeting, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, on "Issues of training personnel in engineering fields and further improvement of the activities of higher education institutions" on ensuring the implementation of the tasks set by the video selector held on June 20, 2024 the reports of the vice-rectors in the fields were listened to. Various issues were also discussed.