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On June 12, 2024, the students of South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, in the course of academic exchange, according to the plan established in the process of academic exchange, at first, in the first half of the day, the responsible professors of the Department of Biotechnology R. Khusanov and I. Nurmirzayev with the participation of UzR visited the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances in the presence of FA.

During the visit, the scientific research conducted in the laboratory of vegetable and plant cell technology under the authority of the institute, that is, with the work of growing potatoes and other plants grown in vitro with the help of cells based on the creation of new virus-resistant varieties, and with the modern equipment available in the laboratory was introduced.

In the afternoon, they got acquainted with the activities of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Laboratory of Medicinal and Technical Plant Biology. After that, the students continued their practice based on getting acquainted with the activity of Vivary department of the institute. Animals necessary for all pharmacological studies are kept here. They received information about the care, feeding and preparation of experimental animals conducted in vitro.

On June 13-14, 2024, the students of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, in the course of the academic exchange of students of the Biotechnology department, based on the established plan, with the participation of the responsible professors of the Department of Biotechnology, A. Atajonov and Kh. Isaboyev, UzR He visited the present Institute of Microbiology of FA and Institutes of Genetics and Experimental Biology of Plants of UzR FA.

During the internship, he became familiar with all the modern laboratories of scientific research institutes. Specialists working in these laboratories provided relevant information.

At the end of the visit, all foreign students and professors who have been responsible for practice expressed their gratitude to the management of the institute and the responsible professors of the Department of Biotechnology for the meaningfully planned practical work.

The visit ended on June 14, and the foreign guests were escorted by the responsible staff.