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On February 21, the Olympiad in metrology, standardization and quality management was held

The Olympiad was opened by Ilhom Abdulakimov, the deputy dean for educational affairs of the Faculty of Management and Vocational Education, Alisher Rajabov, the head of the department of quality management, product safety, and Azizjon Adhamov, the leader of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan.

They gave information about the rules and stages of the Olympiad and wished the participants good luck.

As we previously reported, the Olympics will be held in 2 stages:

- Test;

- It takes place in the form of a conversation.

Test stage was held today. Students who scored more than 60 points in the first stage go to the next stage.

Students who went to the II stage of the Olympiad in metrology, standardization and quality management.

1. Son of Nosirov Zuhriddin Mohiddin - 72 points

2. Jaylyashova, daughter of Dilbar Adil - 68 points

3. Kyrgyzaliyeva Oghiloy Khamidjon's daughter - 64 points

4. Mahkamov Dilmurod Umid Ogle - 60

5. Tursunkhojayev son of Israilhoja Ikromhoja - 60 points

Winners and prize-winners of the 1st Youth Olympiad

1st place 1,000,000 soums

2nd place 800,000 soums

3rd place will be encouraged in the amount of 600,000 soums