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On November 24-25, the delegation of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology actively participated in the event "The 2nd International Student Leaders Meeting 2023" hosted by Bukhara State University

On November 24-25, a delegation consisting of a doctoral student, a master's student and a bachelor of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology took an active part in the event "The 2nd International Student Leaders Meeting 2023", organized by Bukhara State University.

 Students of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Ecuador, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia took part in the meeting organized in cooperation with UI GreenMetric World University Rankings.

On the first day of the event, the participants enthusiastically talked about their achievements in the Sustainable Development Goals, and the meeting was full of interesting discussions. On the second day of the event, the participants of the meeting took part in an excursion to the special animal breeding zone "Jairon". In order to contribute to the sustainable development of nature, young student leaders took part in planting saplings of saxaul in the desert zone of Bukhara region. At the end of the meeting, the young leaders took part in an excursion organized to get acquainted with the historical monuments located on the territory of the city of Bukhara. At the closing ceremony of the event, all participants were awarded certificates and memorable gifts.