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In connection with the "National Values" Day on October 31, various competitions were organized in the faculties of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

On the occasion of the "National Values Day" on October 31, a demonstration of "National costumes" was held at the Faculty of Chemical Technologies of Fuel Organic Compounds of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

Such demonstrations serve to increase the respect of our students for our Uzbek national traditions and values and love for our nationality.

On the occasion of the "National Values Day" on October 31, the first round of the "National Songs" competition was held at the Faculty of "Management and Professional Education".

The first stage of the competition was difficult to determine the winner of the 1st place. Participants with equal strength were tested with an additional acapella condition.

Under the leadership of T.Sh.Usmanov, the deputy dean for work with youth of the faculty of winemaking technology and industrial viticulture, and the tutors of the faculty, a national sport competition was held among the students of the faculty.

The competition was heated and full of arguments and debates. Teams and students who took pride of place in the hot national sports game were awarded with letters of thanks and souvenirs. 

In cooperation with the deputy deans of the Faculty of Food Technology, faculty tutors Sh.E. Begmatov and teachers of the Department of Food Safety and Functional Products Production, a national food competition was organized on the occasion of the "National Values" Day on October 31.

Uzbek national dishes are among the sweetest and most diverse dishes in the world. The whole world recognizes that most of the Uzbek national dishes are popular both in the East and in the West, and that the Uzbek nation is kind and hospitable. The table of the Uzbek people is always full of delicacies. Our national dishes have always surprised not only us, but also representatives of other nations.

In cooperation with the deputy dean of the Faculty of Chemical Substances Technology, N.Sh.Zulyarova, and faculty tutors, a national dance competition was organized on the occasion of the "National Values" Day on October 31.

The role and importance of the Uzbek national dance art is incomparable in instilling the feelings of goodness and sophistication, aesthetic and spiritual perfection into the consciousness of the young generation. The most enlightened values, human qualities, and national traditions of our people are expressed in national dances.