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Hello, dear and honorable women, dear teachers!

First of all, on behalf of the team of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology I would like to sincerely congratulate you and all our honorable mothers, teachers, lovely sisters, charming daughters, on March 8, the celebration of virtue and beauty - the International Women's Day, which is an elegant spring day!

On the occasion of the first spring holiday, I would like to emphasize to the charming, selfless and loving women of our institute that you are progressive, proactive and exemplary in every aspect.

It is known that the extent to which any society and state is philanthropic and just is determined by its attitude and care towards women.

Ensuring the legal rights and interests of women, increasing their economic, social and political activity in order to achieve the highest goal of pleasing our people has become one of the important directions of the development strategy of New Uzbekistan.

Indeed, in the future, it is important to take care of women in our country, to support them from a social and legal point of view, to ensure their legal interests, to increase their political activity, to increase their professional, physical, spiritual and intellectual potential, to protect family, motherhood and childhood, to form a strong family. The great attention and incomparable care paid to the issue has been recognized by the world community. As a result, the political and legal level of the Uzbek woman is increasing, and her social activity is increasing more and more. Today, our women are working effectively not only in the fields of science, education, culture, and health care, but also in responsible positions in the system of state power and management bodies.

Today, on behalf of the team of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all of you for your modest work and good qualities for the development of our country and the improvement of the well-being of our people. and we always appreciate your earnest selfless work and are always ready to create all favorable opportunities and conditions for you. 

Dear and honored mothers, sisters, daughters!

I sincerely congratulate all of you on the International Women's Day. I wish you all good health, a peaceful and peaceful life, family prosperity and peace, abundance of hair and blessings in your homes.

Congratulations on the holiday of spring and happiness!