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A meeting of the Council of the Institute was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

Rector of our institute Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich, vice-rectors, deans, deputy deans and heads of departments took part in it.

At the meeting, the work done in the last academic year was reviewed in a critical and analytical spirit. First, the report of the vice-rector for educational affairs T.T. Safarov on the work done in the 2022/2023 academic year, planned work in the future, and the admission results for the 2023/2024 academic year was heard.

During the meeting, the report of the institute's first vice-rector for youth affairs, spiritual and educational affairs B.N. Boborajabov was heard on the work carried out in the last academic year and planned for the future.

During the meeting of the council of the institute, the report of the vice-rector for financial and economic affairs of the institute B.B. Kadirov was heard on the work carried out in the last academic year and planned in the future.

Z.A.Babakhanova, vice-rector for international cooperation of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, also reported on the work carried out in the last academic year and planned for the future.

During the meeting, the head of the Human Resources Development Department of our institute, S. Sattarov, gave an insight into the changes made to the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the labor contract, economic activity of the institute, payment of wages and other issues. Participants received answers to their questions about labor legislation.