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Final state certification is being held at the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Fuel and Organic Compounds

No. 4/366 of the Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, dated May 24, 2023, Faculty of Chemical Technology of Fuel and Organic Compounds, Department of Chemical Technology of Oil Processing, 5321300-Oil and Oil and Gas Processing Technology, undergraduate education, full-time department 4 In order to ensure the implementation of the order on the organization of the final state attestation for students of the first stage, the vice-rector of the educational affairs of the institute for the protection of the graduation qualification work of students who have completed all the theoretical and practical courses in the curriculum, doctor of technical sciences, professor T.T. Safarov and dean of the faculty, doctor of philosophy in technical sciences M.D. Vapayev read out the order of the rector of the institute No. 65 of March 23, 2023, and the chairman of the DAK and the members of the expert council introduced was asked. After that, the chairman of the DAK gave permission for the defense of the graduation qualification work, and the defenses began


Today's bachelor's degree students' graduation work was positively evaluated by the chairman, deputy and members of the WAC, and the students who defended it were awarded a bachelor's degree in the "Oil and oil and gas processing technology" bachelor's degree. gave their recommendations.