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Today, an open dialogue was organized in our institute on "GTL scholarship program - 5" of the Uzbekistan GTL company.

In it Tillayev Sardor, the leading specialist of the Personnel Management Department of Uzbekistan GTL Company, the leading specialist of Personnel Management, Karimov Kabiljon, the leading specialist of the personnel training sector, A. Mirkomilov, the head of the Marketing and Student Practice Department, L. Yusupova, the dean of the Faculty of Education and Science, L. Yusupova, the Department of NKICT, Professors and teachers of GKIKT department and faculty tutors and students participated.

At the event, specialists from the Uzbekistan GTL company explained the procedure, criteria and rules for participation in the recently announced "GTL scholarship program - 5" competition.

Students also asked their questions about this competition and received answers from experts.

You will get complete information about participating in the "GTL scholarship program - 5" contest