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Today, a delegation from Chechen State University named after Akhmed Kadyrov visited the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

 A meeting was organized at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology with the participation of Sebiyeva Taisiya Borisovna, the head of the international cooperation department of the Chechen State University named after Ahmad Kadyrov, Bekmurzayeva Rashiya Khamzatovna, the dean of the "Ecology" faculty.

 At the meeting, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and Innovation Pulatov Khairulla Lutpullayevich, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Safarov Toyir Tursunovich, Head of the Department of "Industrial Ecology" Igitov Farrukh Bakhtiyarovich, Joint Education in Cooperation with Foreign Higher Education Institutions Mukhamedov Kabiljon Gafurovich, professor of program coordination department, participated.

 At the meeting, in cooperation with the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and the Chechen State University, the organization of a joint master's program in the specialties "Ecological Expertise and Monitoring", "Environmental Management", conducting joint scientific and research work, organizing scientific internships, student mobility, etc. issues were discussed.