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Today, "Parents' Congress" was held in the Student Residence in cooperation with the Faculty of Winemaking Technology and Industrial Viticulture.

The main purpose of this is to familiarize parents of students with the infrastructure and main activities of the educational institution.

The event was attended by the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual-educational affairs of the Tashkent chemical-technological institute B.N. Boborajabov, deputy dean Tolqin Usmanov, faculty tutors. The event was opened by the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs B.N. Boborajabov and told the students about the conditions created for young people in our country, the history of the institute, the internal and external opportunities of the institute, and the conditions created for students' studies at the institute. they gave

In addition, he gave information about the history of the institute, the scientific-research work carried out by the advanced chemists working in the institute, professors and teachers, and the work carried out in the mentor-apprentice system.

During the event, the deputy dean for working with youth, Tolqin Usmanov, explained the internal procedures of the institute, the code of ethics, the obligations of students to the institute and the regulations related to the educational process, as well as the meaningful organization of students' free time, promotion of reading. and the issues of effective use of libraries were also touched upon, detailed information was given on the organized clubs.

In addition, the institute explained the procedure for accommodation of students in student accommodation and the system of reimbursement of rent paid to students living on the basis of the right to rent.