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The Republican scientific-practical conference on the topic "Prospects for the development of innovative technologies in the production of inorganic substances and materials in the conditions of globalization" was held.

On November 9-10 of this year, the Republican scientific-practical conference on the topic "Prospects for the development of innovative technologies in the production of inorganic substances and materials in the conditions of globalization" was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

The management, faculty and students of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology participated in the plenary session of the conference. First, vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations Pulatov Khairulla Lutpullayevich closed the plenary meeting by reading the opening words of the rector of our institute Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich, who is currently on a business trip abroad.

Also at the conference were Salomov, Head of the Department of Localization and Expansion of Corporate Relations in Industry of JSC "Uzkimyosanoat", Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Honored Inventor and Rationalizer Namazov Shafoat Sattarovich, Belarusian State University of Technology, Andrey Nikolayevich Gavrilyuk, head of the department of technology of inorganic substances and general chemical technology, candidate of technical sciences, head of the department of innovation, localization and industrial cooperation of "Maxam-Chirchik" JSC Abdurashitov Ruslan Vladimirovich, rector of Karakalpakstan State University, doctor of technical sciences, professor Reymov Akhmed Mambetkarimovich, K.I. Head of the department "Chemical processes and industrial ecology" of Satbayev National Research Technical University of Kazakhstan, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Kubekova Sholpan Nakishbekovna, specialist of "Fargonazot" JSC Rakhimov Akbar Karimovich, standardization and certification department of "Ammofos-Maxham" JSC The senior engineers of their profession, such as Gaynullina Albina Ravil'evna, the leading engineer of the railway, Nurboyev Jonibek Abduhakimovich, the specialist of "Dekhkanabad potash plant" JSC, participated with their lectures.

The conference is dedicated to discussing the results of scientific research of professors, teachers, employees of production enterprises, young scientists, and graduate students. Branch meetings of the conference were held on November 10.