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No youth is left behind!

As you know, according to the state program "Youth Balance", "heavy" category, as well as talented and talented young people are assigned to the heads of local executive authorities, state-owned enterprises and organizations, and higher educational institutions.

More than 20 "red-category" young people in need of attention have been assigned to the Tashkent chemical-technological institute in Shaikhontohur district of Tashkent city. Regular meetings are held with them and their problems are studied.

Yesterday, a meeting with young people attached to our institute was held under the leadership of the rector of our institute Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich. In it, the wishes and problems of young people were listened to and solved on the spot with the participation of officials.

For example, one of the young people who expressed an interest in English, but did not have the opportunity to learn it, was attached to the Department of Foreign Languages of our institute, as well as young people who are interested in graphic design, cooking and other areas, and the relevant officials were attached to ensure the continuity of education. Young people on probation received comprehensive answers to their questions from the prevention inspector of the institute.

At the end of the meeting, they were awarded with 600,000 soum vouchers and souvenirs by the management of the institute. It should be said that the reforms implemented in our country are important because they are based on the principle of "For human dignity". This can also be seen in today's practical efforts.