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Talents who renewed a high spiritual milestone in the history of the institute were recognized

The "Kimyogar" team of the institute took the proud 5th place among more than 200 higher education institutions and won the prize at the "Marifat Field" competition held among higher education institutions.

Yesterday, the rector of the institute B.Sh. Usmanov, the vice-rectors and the management of the institute congratulated the winners for their hard work and achievements, and awarded the team members with a voucher worth 28,000,000 soums, a tablet, and the staff responsible for helping the team to achieve worthy goals.

It should be noted that the rector of the Institute noted that the successful place in this competition is the result of hard work, hard work and ideological programs formed with a broad outlook, and this result is a great achievement for the honor and reputation of the institute.

The support of such young people with real leadership skills, the leadership of the Institute and those responsible for working with young people, means that the attention of the system to young people is being directed in the right way. , they emphasized that such efforts will be continuously supported by the management of the institute if the achievements increase.