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The state institution "Intellectual Property Center" organized a seminar on the topic "Preparation of an application for an invention and utility model, procedure and examination process, depositing copyright objects".

In the department of commercial scientific and innovative development of the Tashkent State Chemical and Technological Institute "Center of Intellectual Property" at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, information is provided on the topic "Preparation of applications for inventions and useful models, order and process expertise, depositing objects of copyright".

At the seminar, the head of the program and some data for the deposit of copyright objects and EUM R.Sagdullaeva, the main consultant, the program and some data for the deposit of copyright objects and EUM B.Karshiboev, the main consultant for the deposit of copyright objects. Sodeystvie vvedeniyu obektov intellectualnoy sobstvennosti v citizen turnover and commercialization Kadyrova B., leading consultant of inventions and useful models Khasanov A., patentoved institute Sh.D. Professor Chotboev, the principal member of the V Meropriyatii, a doctoral student and a talented student.

The seminar was opened by Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and Innovation Kh.L. Pulatov, who spoke about the work done at IIITB under the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and the future prospects of this center.

After that, the floor was given to B. Kadyrova, the chief consultant of the Department of Assistance to Civil Circulation and Commercialization of Intellectual Property Objects of the State Institution "Intellectual Property Center" under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Emphasis on the development of potential in the field of intellectual property, as well as increasing the level of knowledge of specialists in the field of intellectual property and the effectiveness of their training, forming a sense of respect for intellectual property among the public, encouraging inventive activity and creating conditions for the implementation of the results of scientific and technical creativity. he gave The works being carried out in depositing copyright objects and the 2022 decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

According to the Decree No. PF-89 of March 17, the state institution is designated as the responsible for the mandatory storage of electronic control copies of copyright objects in the unified database of copyright objects, the maintenance of the Unified Database and the coordination of the process of entering the electronic control copies of copyright objects into the unified database. and provided information about the submission of a document on its acceptance for storage after the electronic control copies of the copyright object are entered into the unified database.

The leading consultant of the "Inventions and Utility Models" department of the "Intellectual Property Center" state institution under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, A. Khasanov, made a speech and discussed the issues in the field of legal protection of inventions, utility models and industrial samples and their use. He gave information to the participants of the seminar with his presentation.

During the event, R. Sagdullayeva, the head of the program and database department for the depositing of copyright objects and EHM, discussed the conditions of the application for granting a patent for an invention, a utility model, and an industrial sample, the priority of an industrial property object, and changing applications.

The chief consultant of the department of programs and databases for the depositing of copyright objects and EHM - B. Karshiboyev that the right to the object of industrial property belongs to the author (both authors) or his (their) legal successor (s) and is confirmed by a patent, if the object of industrial property was created by several persons independently of each other, the right to obtain a patent belongs to the person who first submitted the application for granting a patent to the Ministry, conditions of patentability of inventions and utility models, legal subjects of the object of industrial property, the patent owner's right to use the object of industrial property and the violation of the patent owner's absolute right were discussed.

The issue on the agenda was discussed in detail, the responsible employee and students who participated in the seminar received detailed answers to their questions, and the tasks to be implemented by the parties were mutually distributed and agreed.