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On December 2 of this year, the next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

It was led by the rector of our institute Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich, vice-rectors, the director of the Yangiyer branch of the institute Z.T. Khakimov, the director of the academic lyceum under the institute Z. Sh. Kholmirzayev, heads of departments and heads of departments.

At the meeting of the scientific council of the institute, according to the agenda, the report of the head of the Master's Department F.Khudayberdiev was heard on the state of organization of the educational process in Master's education and the completion of master's theses. After that, the chairman of the working group, the director of the center for the analysis of the activity of the regional center for the retraining and improvement of the pedagogic personnel under the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology. Kh. Ch. Mirzakulov's lecture was heard. During the meeting, the director of the academic lyceum Z. Kholmirzaev gave a lecture on the selection of talented students and the quality of education at the academic lyceum under the auspices of the Institute.

During the meeting, Safarov Toyir Tursunovich, vice-rector for educational affairs, Boborajabov Bahadir Nasriddinovich, first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs, Babakhanova Zebo Abdullayevna, vice-rector for international cooperation, enterprises and education The report and proposals of the vice-rector for working with educational institutions Shernayev Anvar Normamatovich, the adviser of the rector on information policy issues, the press secretary Abdulbaqiyev Egamnazar Murodjon, were heard.