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On May 22-23 of this year, 3 major scientific events - "Mirzo Ulugbek International Congress of Science and Engineering Knowledge", "Abu Ali Ibn Sina International Congress of Medical and Sports Sciences", "Alisher Navoi International Humanities Congress" will be held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology. ” took place

Congresses Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent University of Architecture and Construction, Samarkand State University of Architecture and Construction, Karakalpak State University, Tashkent Medical Academy, its Termez branch, University of Physical Education and Sports of Uzbekistan, State Academy of Choreography of Uzbekistan , was held in cooperation with Kazakhstan's Jumabek Tashenov University and Turkey's IKSAD organization.

Science from about 20 foreign countries, such as Uzbekistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Pakistan, Romania, Moldova, India, Morocco, Canada, Philippines, Mongolia, Egypt, Algeria, Vietnam, will participate in the congress. representatives participated.

The purpose of holding this Congress is achievements, innovations in the fields of chemistry, mathematics, engineering, natural sciences, veterinary and agricultural sciences, transport, architecture, medicine, sports, economy, social and humanitarian sciences, choreography, art, culture, to show the progress achieved in higher educational institutions in these subjects in bringing the quality of education to a higher level, to discuss the problems at the international level. The main task of the conference was to promote the significant results achieved in scientific activity on current issues in the fields of modern knowledge and to develop scientifically based conclusions aimed at the further development of these fields.

At the event, the chairman of the Congress, on behalf of the rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, vice-rector for international relations Prof. Zebo BOBOXONOVA, co-chairs of the Congress - Rector of Samarkand University of Architecture and Construction, Professor Chidem Zhanbai TURKYİLMAZ, Vice-Rector for International Relations of the University of Physical Education and Sports of Uzbekistan, Prof. Jasur Zarifboev, vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations of Karakalpak State University, prof. Izimbet Turdimambetov, vice-rector of the State Academy of Choreography of Uzbekistan, prof. Prof. Mirmukhsin GAFUROV, deputy director of the Termez branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy. Maqsuda SHAMSUTDINOVA, Vice-Rector for International Relations of Jumabek Tashenov University Shahlo NARALIEVA and Chairman of the Institute of Economic Development and Social Research (IKSAD) prof. Mustafa LATIF EMEK (Turkey) spoke.

Prof. from foreign scientists at the congress. Hüseyin YILMAZ (Yyldyz Technical University, Turkey), Assoc. Yusuf CİVELEK (Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey), Prof. Yalın Kılıç TÜREL (Firat University, Turkey), Prof. Eyüp SARITAŞ (Istanbul University, Turkey), Prof. Ipek Pinar Sahin (Tashkent State Transport University), Prof. Ayten Sherifova (Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction) also expressed her opinion

For the past 3 years, several scientific conferences have been held in cooperation with the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and the Institute of Economic Development and Social Research of Turkey (IKSAD). The "Science Uzbekistan" platform, established on the basis of this cooperation, helps to further develop the relations of the scientific community of Uzbekistan with the scientists and scientific organizations of our country and the world. Currently, "Science Uzbekistan", which unites 8 higher educational institutions of our republic and more than 200 experts in scientific cooperation, allows to promote the scientific achievements of many more scientists at the international level through today's congresses.

More than 250 representatives of science participated in the congress directly and remotely for 2 days with lectures, news related to various fields of science, opinions were exchanged and conclusions were drawn. On May 23, the congresses finished their work.