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On November 22-23 of this year, employees of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology visited the "Zebuniso ona" confectionery factory.

Under the leadership of the vice-rector for work with enterprises and educational institutions, the head of the marketing, practical and professional education department of the institute A. Mirkomilov, specialists of the department U. Mavlonov, M. Alimzhanov and professor of the Faculty of Food Technology with the participation of teachers and students, a meeting was held on the employment of graduates at the "Zebuniso ona" confectionery factory.

During the meeting, they talked with the managers and specialists of the production enterprise within the framework of cooperation. Professors and teachers and 30 students got acquainted with the production process. 

In the academic year 2022-2023, the Department of Coordination of Joint Educational Programs in Cooperation with Foreign Higher Education Institutions of the Institute is looking for a job in a manufacturing enterprise in 7 fields, who received a joint diploma in cooperation with the Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies. graduates were interviewed at a manufacturing company for employment.

The company checked the level of knowledge and language skills of the graduates who studied in joint education and made a positive decision about them. These graduates were offered the position of the mechanical department of the enterprise, the position of work manager of production workshops, and the position of deputy chief technologist at the branch in Yangiyol district of Tashkent region. In addition, it was agreed to provide a monthly salary of 4,000,000 soums, 3 free meals and accommodation for regional students. 6 educational manuals and monographs published by professors and teachers of the Department of Food Technology of TKTI were donated to the production enterprise for use in the production process. Thanks were expressed to the managers of the production enterprise.

Employment of TKTI graduates continues!!!