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On January 23 of this year, a group of professors and teachers of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, in collaboration with production specialists at the Basalt Uzbekistan industrial cluster and the Jizzakh Battery Plant, held a scientific and innovative event.

Content and significance of the event

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the professors and teachers of the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering held an important round table discussion under the leadership of the General Director of the Basalt Uzbekistan Industrial Cluster A.A. Abdusattorov and Jizzakh AZ. The event discussed in detail issues aimed at identifying new prospects for the development of scientific research and industrial enterprises. A group of professors and teachers from the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and the Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, such as Nurullayev Shavkat Payziyevich, Eshmetov Rasulbek Jumyazovich, Kurbonov Jahongir Khodzhiyevich, Ibragimov Tohirbek Egamshukurovich, Rozmatov Ikrom, Umarov Shavkat Isomiddinovich, Ismoilov Akmal Abduvakhobovich, took an active part in this process.

The following issues were discussed at the event:

1. The creation of wastewater utilization technology:

- ensures the environmental safety of industrial enterprises,

- reduces the negative impact on the environment,

- further expands the possibilities of economical use of resources.

During the event, the proposed innovative approaches to wastewater treatment and utilization, including the use of new chemical reagents and modern equipment, were analyzed in detail.

2. Professor of the Department of Chemistry Nurullayev Shavkat Payziyevich presented a project aimed at reducing dependence on imported raw materials. Within the framework of this project, the following issues were discussed:

- effective use of local raw materials,

- reducing the dependence of industrial enterprises on imports,

- reducing production costs and introducing new technologies.

At the end of the event, the General Director of the Basalt Uzbekistan Industrial Cluster, A.A. Abdusattorov, gave relevant instructions to the plant's specialists for the successful implementation of the projects and expressed confidence in the implementation of TKTI's scientific developments at the Basalt Uzbekistan industrial enterprise and the implementation of new agreements on the development of cooperation with TKTI and JPI and support for technological achievements.