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On April 26 of this year, an event called "Leader and Youth Meeting" was held at the Yangiyer branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

At this event, Akmaljon Makhmudaliev, mayor of Syrdarya region, district mayor of Syrdarya region and Yangier city, Anvar Normamatovich Shernayev, vice-rector for work with enterprises and educational institutions of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Zafar Tolaganovich Hakimov, director of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Yangier branch. He met with the students of the Yangiyer branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and got acquainted with the conditions created for students in the branch and the new industrial technology park.

The governor of Syrdarya region, Akmaljon Muhammadaliev, is a graduate of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and a graduate of the Faculty of Food, Grain Products Technology. expressed his thoughts.

In an open and sincere conversation, the governor of the region, based on his experience, gave important recommendations and advice on the correct application of the knowledge acquired at the university in future professional activities.

Within the framework of the meeting, an exhibition of students' creative works, a presentation of scientific and technical developments, an intellectual game "Zakovat" and sports competitions were organized. Active students were given a travel voucher to Tashkent city, a letter of thanks and a set of books.

Also, the participants of the event got acquainted with the activities of the "Youth Industrial Technopark" opened under the branch. The research and production laboratory equipment and the works being carried out were introduced in the Technopark.