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"Career Day" labor fair was held at the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances in cooperation with the Faculty of Winemaking Technology and Industrial Viticulture

On May 10 of this year, in the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, in cooperation with the Faculty of Winemaking Technology and Industrial Viticulture, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan held on March 4, 2022, "Improving the living standards of students of higher education institutions by ensuring their employment" "Career Day" labor fair for the purpose of ensuring the performance of the tasks set at the meeting of the video selector and providing employment to the students of the institute in their free time from classes and helping graduate students to get a job took place.

The event was attended by officials responsible for personnel issues from more than 26 factories and private enterprises, which are the basis of the industrial network of the Republic, who have established permanent relations with the faculty. At the "Career Day" event, A.K. Rahimov, a leading specialist from "Fergona Azot" JSC, M. Qudrathojayev, deputy chief technologist from "Uzkabel" JV, T.V. Dostmukhamedov, chief technologist from "Asl Oyna" LLC, experts from "Lithium Construction Materials" LLC, N. .Saliyeva, A. Boltaboyeva, A. Ismatulin, UzGTL specialist S. Tillayev, specialist O. Ibragimov from "Uzsanoatkurilish" JSC, Yoldoshev Sabir from HR department from "Maksam-Chirchik" JSC, Yeliseyev Nikolay, "Kongirot" K.Kh.Serzhanov, head of department from JSC soda plant, head of personnel department SH.Baymanova, N.Dzho'rayeva from JSC "First rubber engineering plant", expert manager A.Ikrombekov from "Hamkor" JSC, "Almalik mine" Specialist I. Bozorov from Metallurgical Combine, Head of Department N.M. Usmonova from JSC "Dehkhanabad Potash Plant", engineers S. Maksadov, E. Khasanov, head of personnel from "Technopark" LLC D. Kalimberdiyev, technical director from "UzAUTOCepla" LLC B. Abduvokhidov, specialist A. Erkinov, technologist-mechanic V. Kazakov from "Art Farfor" LLC, M. Ganiyev, inspector of personnel department from "Arktika Bottlers" LLC N. Matkarimova, mechanic A. Fedorov, "Ammafos-Maksam" G. Yusupova from JSC personnel department, G. Djurayeva, M.M. Maksudov from personnel retraining department of JSC "Navoiy Azot", head of laboratory M.E. Tolipov from "Innovations Center" LLC participated.

The event was opened by T.T. Safarov, the vice-rector for educational affairs of the institute, and the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan held on March 4, 2022, "Ensuring the employment of students of higher education institutions and their standard of living" about the current work in order to ensure the performance of the tasks set at the video selector meeting "on improvement measures" and to help the students of the institute to be employed in their spare time they went into detail.

Students addressed the questions they were interested in to the visiting experts from the enterprises.