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The team led by the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs T.T. Safarov visited the specialized vocational school No. 2 for persons with disabilities

On June 1 of this year, professors and teachers attached to the vocational school under the leadership of T.T. Safarov, vice-rector for academic affairs of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology: Associate Professor of the Department of "Food Products Technology" Makhmudova Dildora Khasanovna, Senior Department of General Chemistry teacher, Ph.D. Olimov Tolmas Farkhodovich, chair of "Inorganic substances chemical technology" Kenjayev Mirjalal Erkinjanovich, head of the institute "Department of admission process organization" Berdiyev Khusan Urolovich and chief specialist of the sector of "Methodical support to educational institutions" Narmanova Barno Yakubovna visited Tashkent vocational school No. 2 for disabled persons attached to the institute.

Dilshod Davronovich Karimov, Director of Specialized Vocational School No. 2 for Persons with Disabilities, Sagdullayeva Muattar Bakhodirovna, Deputy Director of Educational Affairs, Hodjayeva Sayyora Muridinovna, Deputy Director of Spiritual and Educational Affairs, and got to know the students closely and had a conversation with the students. During the visit, existing problems in the educational-methodological, scientific-research, spiritual-educational spheres were studied.

During the visit, they determined the future goals and objectives to further increase students' interest in science.