On January 30, 2025, under the leadership of U.N. Baltabayev, Dean of the Faculty of Food and Wine Technology of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, the head of the “Biotechnology” department M.A. Normatov, head of the “Enology and Technology of Wine Products” department X.A. Boboyev, head of the “Quality and Safety of Food Products” department Sh.E. Sanayev, and professors and teachers of the “Technology of Food and Perfumery and Cosmetic Products” department visited the Yangiyul Agrotechnological College in connection with the implementation of the “ROADMAP for further development of the College’s activities, improving the quality of education and further strengthening cooperation with employers”.
As part of the visit, they got acquainted with the educational processes at the College, the conditions created for students, and the general activities of the institution. Issues of improving the quality of education, improving infrastructure, and improving amenities for students were also discussed. As a result of the discussions, a number of practical proposals were made and work was planned to improve the quality of education.
Also, based on the agreed action plan, issues such as accepting graduates of dual education without separation from production, accepting graduates of technical schools from the 2nd stage, jointly publishing educational methodological literature, organizing master classes and seminars for teachers and students, and organizing an open day for graduates at our institute were agreed upon.
At the end of the visit, books by professors and teachers in the field published by the institute's management were handed over to the Information Resource Center of the technical school.