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Laboratory equipment was presented to the Department of Food Safety and Functional Product Production Technology.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Development Bank approved the Department of Food Safety and Functional Products Production Technology of the Faculty of Food Technology of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology for the processing of meat and dairy products. designed laboratory equipment was presented.

Yesterday, specialists from the Promeat enterprise, Daniyor Yoldoshev, Sanjar Naimov and Dilmurod Boltaboyev, visited and gave a master class to professors and students on the use of this equipment.

This laboratory equipment is placed in room 309 of the department, and our students are conducting the first laboratory and practical experiments using this equipment with the help of experts.

Currently, master-classes are held by foreign professors and teachers in this laboratory within the ECAMPUZ project.