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Within the framework of the 2nd forum of rectors of higher educational institutions of the Central Asian countries held in Tajikistan, memorandums and cooperation agreements were signed between the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and a number of HEIs of Tajikistan.

A memorandum of understanding will be signed between the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and the Technological University of Tajikistan. Acquaintance with the faculties of Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology and Tajikistan University of Technology will be conducted and experience will be exchanged. It was agreed to establish cooperation on training personnel in the food sector.

Anvar Normamatovich Shernayev, vice-rector for work with enterprises and educational institutions of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, will participate in a lecture on the topic "Международные инновационные подходы в образовании - перспективы развития совместного и дуального образования" 

An agreement will be signed with the Institute of Production and Service of Tajikistan on the organization of international joint educational programs starting from the 2023-2024 academic year. it was agreed to establish cooperation on training and academic mobility of students at the Institute of Chemical Technology. An agreement will be signed on the training and professional development of working engineers of production enterprises in the Sogd economic production zone of Khojand region at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

An agreement was signed with Kulob University.

A memorandum of understanding was signed with Kyrgyzstan's Osh State University of Technology, issues related to the training of engineers in the fields of food and chemical technologies and the internships of professors and teachers were resolved.