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A special event was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

On December 20, 2024, the Marketing Department of AGROMIR LLC visited the institute.

A. Mirkomilov, Head of the Career Center of our institute, and A. Boboyev, Head of the Department of Enology and Technology of Wine Products, met with representatives of a large enterprise producing juice products known in our country under the brand "Bliss".

The purpose of the visit of the enterprise representatives to our institute was to conduct a tasting of the newly produced juices of the enterprise. It was also agreed to establish mutual cooperation between the enterprise and the institute.

The event was held among students of the Faculty of Food and Wine Technologies, Department of Enology and Technology of Wine Products. During this, the students of our institute held a question-and-answer conversation between the representatives of the enterprise and the students about their knowledge. After the students, the professors and teachers of the department and volunteer representatives of our institute also participated. Representatives of the enterprise expressed their gratitude to the management of our institute for the excellent organization of the tasting process.