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Students studying under the joint educational program of the Tashkent Institute of chemistry and technology left for Belarus to continue their studies

 On August 21 of this year, the students who completed 2 undergraduate courses in the 2+2 form of education and 1 course of the master's degree in the 1+1 form of education on the basis of joint educational programs at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology they went to Minsk and Mogilev, Belarus to continue their studies in joint educational programs. Vice-rector for Enterprises and Educational Institutions Anvar Normamativich Shernayev, Deputy Head of the Department for Coordinating Joint Educational Programs in Cooperation with Foreign Higher Education Institutions Laila Sayfiyevna Razakova and Yangiyer Branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology visited the students of the institute. Muhammadjon Samadkulov, head of the department of general technical sciences, left with them. In order to further develop cooperation in this direction, meetings will be held with Yanka Kupala State University of Grodo, Polosk State University, Belarusian State University of Technology and the International University of Ecology of the Belarusian State University on August 22-28, 2023. At the meetings, the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 8, 2022 No. 309 "On measures to establish an education-production cluster in the oil and gas sector" and the Minister of Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan Minutes No. 6 of the meeting held on February 18, 2023 under the leadership of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 9, 2023 "Improving digitization processes in the field of higher education, science and innovation" Agreements are made and contract drafts are prepared in order to ensure the execution of tasks specified in order No. 49 of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 10, 2023 No. 85