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An open dialogue of the rector and masters was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

On May 7 of this year, a meeting of the rector and masters was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology. Rector of our institute Professor Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich, Head of Master's Department Professor Khudoyberdiyev Fazlidin Isroilovich, Head of Academic Activities and Registrar's Office Kadyrov Ulug'bek Ravshanovich and Master's students took part in it.

At the meeting held in the form of an open dialogue, the rector of our institute B.Sh.Usmanov talked with each student about the topic of the master's dissertations of the 2nd year graduates and discussed the relevance of the chosen topic and the introduced innovations. The students were told about master's thesis planning, foreign experience, what opportunities await them after graduating from our institute, as well as the importance of language skills and foreign internships for master's students.

During the meeting, students received detailed answers to their questions and appeals.