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Toshkent kimyo-texnologiya institutida "Kitobxon talaba" ko'rik tanlovi oʻtkazildi.

On April 8 of this year, the "League of Young Readers" competition was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology in order to meaningfully organize the free time of students and to further increase their interest in books, to attract young students to reading and to further develop the culture of reading among them.

In this competition, students tested their knowledge by competing in the contest of reading students-youth according to the rules. According to the final results of the competition:

1st place "Kimyogar" team, 2nd place "Hurriyat" team

"Kamolot" took the 3rd place.

Teams that actively participate in the competition and take pride of place are encouraged with diplomas and cash prizes.