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Group leaders and tutors of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology were given a seminar training on organizing the re-study of subjects for students with academic debt.

Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology B. Sh. Usmanov to Order No. 5 "On Conducting Explanatory Work on Mastering" in the fall and spring semesters of the 2022-2023 academic year, students who have moved, restored, and are in academic debt from subjects short-term seminar-training sessions were held for all group captains and tutors of the institute in order to explain the differences between the subjects and the procedures for organizing re-study for the students to master the academic subjects.

The head of the Academic Activities and Registrar's Office U. Kadyrov, the head of the Student Registration and Academic Mobility Coordination Department D. Rakhimov and chief specialist R. Ismatov and the chief specialist of the Database Department were speakers at the seminars and trainings. Sh. Berdiyev participated.

More than 500 group leaders and active students and tutors, as well as faculty deans, deputy deans, and a number of professors-teachers participated in the seminar-training held in the lecture halls of each faculty building of the institute. Planning and organization of the educational process in the credit-module system at the seminar, working in the Hemis program, the procedure for students to independently calculate their GPA-indicators, rules for organizing re-education in the summer and winter semesters, systems for evaluating students' learning in the credit-module system and detailed information on the procedure for transferring, restoring and expelling students from their studies.

During the seminar, which took place in the form of practical and interactive dialogue, the Maruz participants discussed the difficulties and problems they have encountered so far in organizing the study of academically indebted students in the credit-module system at the Higher Education Institution. Depending on the level of existing problems, proposals were made for their solution.

The audience actively participated in the training seminars with their comments and questions. During the event, the listeners received clear answers from the speakers regarding the organization of studies for students with academic debt in the credit-module system and many other questions.