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A. N. Shernaev, vice-rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, U. Mavlyanov, an employee of the Department of Marketing, Practice and Professional Education, Ruslan Imanza, head of the Azerbaijan-Turkey-Uzbekistan entrepreneurs' association, visited "NIL GRANIT" LLC.

On December 5-6 of this year, SAMO TEXTILE cluster company "NIL GRANIT" LLC in Khojaabad district of Andijan region, according to the invitation letter dated November 22, 2023, vice-rector of TKTI A.N. Shernaev from Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of Marketing, Practice and Professional Education U. Mavlyanov, head of the Azerbaijan-Turkey-Uzbekistan entrepreneurs' association, Ruslan Imanzada, and entrepreneurs made a business trip to the company.

During the service trip, on December 5, a meeting was organized with the managers of the Company's paint factory and they got acquainted with the production.

A meeting was organized with the management of the NIL GRANIT LLC enterprise and the production enterprises of the company were introduced.