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Representatives of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology are participating in the IREG 2023 conference

It includes leaders of the world's most prestigious international rating organizations such as "Times Nearer Education", "QS", "Webometrics", Canada, Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, Hungary, Romania, Poland, China, Singapore, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kazakhstan. and a total of about 100 participants, including rectors and experts of the universities of Uzbekistan.

It is worth noting that this event will help Uzbekistan's leading higher education institutions to take high places in prestigious international ratings and establish direct relations with leaders and experts of international rating organizations. does.

At the conference, the main aspects of the reforms carried out in the field of higher education in our country were discussed. It was noted that over the past five years, more than 80 new higher education institutions have been established in our republic, and their number has exceeded 200, of which 32 are branches and universities of foreign universities in Uzbekistan, and more than 60 are private universities. As mentioned, today in our country there are branches of universities of USA, Great Britain, Italy, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, India, Singapore and other countries.

At the event, it was said that in accordance with the concept of developing the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030, a number of practical works are being carried out to include 10 potential higher education institutions of our country in the international rankings of QS and Times Higher Education by 2026. and it was mentioned that this international conference will serve to further revive these works.