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Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology continues to develop cooperation with foreign and local production enterprises and educational institutions

At the BIG INDUSTRIAL WEEK CENTRAL ASIA - Innoprom Sientralnaya Asia international production exhibition held at Uzekspocenter on April 24-26 of this year, A.N. Shernayev, vice-rector for work with enterprises and educational institutions of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, and The head of the department of commercialization of scientific and innovative developments N.R. Mardonov took part in this exhibition.

During the participation in the production exhibition, a meeting was held with representatives of a number of foreign production enterprises, and an agreement was reached on the commercialization and introduction of scientific and technical developments into production in cooperation with the Department of Scientific Communications and Marketing of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. was increased and the protocol was signed.