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A visit was made to a modern production enterprise with the students studying in the joint educational programs organized at the Yangiyer branch of the department coordinating joint educational programs in cooperation with foreign

On February 9, 2023, under the leadership of the head of the department coordinating joint educational programs in cooperation with foreign higher education institutions A.N.Shernayev, professors and teachers of the department and the Yangiyer branch 1st year 3+2 Management with the participation of students of the 1st year correspondence form of education, familiarization and master classes were held with the Artel Group of Companies Innovation Training Center, one of the modern production enterprises.

The head of the innovative educational center O.O.Ablakulov, deputy heads B.G.Ganiyev, G.Usmanov and H.Mamarakhimov welcomed the representatives of TKTI.

During the tour, the students got acquainted with the modern laboratories established in the innovation training center and new production projects to be implemented. In addition, Belarusian expert prof. A.V. Ivanov and docent N.V. Ivanova conducted master classes on 3D design and calculation methods of technological machines and equipment.

Excursions and master classes left a deep impression on the students, and all questions of interest to the students were provided by the experts of the center. Students took a picture for memory in the innovative educational center.

On February 10-11, 2023, under the leadership of the head of the department coordinating joint educational programs in cooperation with foreign higher education institutions A.N. Shernayev, professors and teachers of the department and the Yangiyer branch 1st year 3+2 Management Master classes were held by professor Marina Yevgenevna Karpiyskaya, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University of Belarus. A total of 12 hours of skill classes were organized in the subject "Vvedeniye v spesialnosti".

During the master classes, the expert from Belarus presented video materials and presentations about the educational directions, departments and faculties of the partner university, as well as the life of students.

Skill classes were very interesting and full of impressions in the form of open questions and answers, which were very useful for students. The students were also provided with all the information about the planned winter and summer schools in Grodno, Belarus. At the end of the skill classes, the invited professor M. Ye. Karpiyskaya was given souvenirs of TKTI and awarded with a certificate.