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"GEO SHOW" was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology

As you know, on the initiative of the Student Council of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, a student forum called "Davronlarlar zo'risan" is being held on November 13-16. On November 15 of this year, the "GEO SHOW" festival was held in the active hall of the Faculty of Chemical Materials Technology.

T.T. Safarov, vice-rector for educational affairs of our institute, faculty deans, deputy deans, tutors and active students took part in it. The event was opened by T.T. Safarov, vice-rector for academic affairs.

🇺🇿 One of the priorities of state policy in recent years is to ensure inter-ethnic harmony and tolerance in society, to strengthen the atmosphere of friendship and the feeling of a large multinational family, to instill in young people love and loyalty to the Motherland, national and universal values. large-scale work aimed at raising in the spirit of respect, expanding cultural and educational relations with foreign countries was carried out. Foreign guests were invited in order to introduce such work to students and youth, and in this show, students will demonstrate the national customs and values of 8 countries, their high spiritual heritage and historical origins with various creative performances and musical performances. 

Performances of the Korean delegation at the "GEO SHOW" festival. 

Performances of the Turkish delegation at the "GEO SHOW" festival. 

Performances of the US delegation at the "GEO SHOW" festival.

During the event, talented students also participated with their solo performances

Performances of the Indian delegation at the "GEO SHOW" festival.

During the event, talented students also participated with their solo performances

Performances of the Russian delegation at the "GEO SHOW" festival 

Performances of the Spanish delegation at the "GEO SHOW" festival. 

Performances of the Georgian delegation at the "GEO SHOW" festival.

Performances of the delegation of Uzbekistan at the "GEO SHOW" festival. 

At the end of the event, the delegation of Uzbekistan came out and said that Uzbekistan is a part of this globe and is no less than other countries, as well as that we have a strong history, young people with mature potential, and now, under the slogan "We will build a new Uzbekistan together with our own hands", other countries in the show united the delegations around one stage.

Judges evaluated all the performances of the delegations. Today at 18:00 at the closing ceremony of the "Davronlarlar zorisan" forum, the results will be announced and the winning teams will be solemnly awarded.

At the end of the event, Ravshan Ghaziyev, Head of the Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment, and Chairman of the Student Council, Ma'murjon Jumanazarov, spoke and thanked all the participants.