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A roundtable discussion "Women Engineers 0+" was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology

"Engineering Women 0+" roundtable discussions are organized at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology as part of the "Global Women's Breakfast" event, which is widely celebrated all over the world, on the initiative of the IUPAC International Union of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry.

The event was opened by Professor Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich, Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, followed by a video address by Marry Garso, the founder of Global Breakfast.

The idea of "Global Breakfast for Women" was born on the morning of January 18, 2011, when female engineers from 44 countries met for a purpose and had breakfast together. They also participated in an international networking event dedicated to the official opening of the International Year of Chemistry, held in Paris on January 27-28. To date, about 100 breakfasts have been organized with the participation of about 500 women engineers around the world, and this event has become one of the largest gatherings of women scientists in the world.

The organizers of the IYC2011 event arranged various breakfasts to communicate with each other via video chat or Skype, thus the participants created a chemical "handshake" around the world, similar to the spread of a wave through a sports stadium. Then the chemical "relay handshake" came to Russia, and then to Europe and Africa. 

A breakfast was held at the South African Institute of Chemistry in Johannesburg, which was attended by IUPAC President Nicole Moreau (France) and President of the American Chemical Society Nancy Jackson. The event was particularly well supported in the Netherlands and the UK; more than 10 different events were held in both countries, and the video link between the Beijing event and the main RSC event in London perfectly connected Asia to Europe. Then the handshake of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela and Colombia, the North American breakfast connects with the Hawaiian Islands across the Pacific, it connects with Wellington in New Zealand on the international date, and thus the 24 hours are completed.

On February 12, 2019, in celebration of IUPAC's 100th anniversary, engineers from over 50 different countries participated in the second IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast, a global networking event to recognize and enhance the role of women scientists in the field of chemistry. Later, breakfast events were successfully launched in Asia, Europe, Africa and in the Americas. Since 2019, IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast has become an annual event.

The goal of the WOMEN ENGINEERS 0+ Roundtable and World Women's Breakfast is to provide women scientists with an excellent opportunity to focus on their achievements, expand their professional networks, learn from each other and raise awareness of the challenges women scientists face in academia, industry and government agencies.