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A literary and educational event dedicated to the 582nd anniversary of Navoi's birth was organized at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology called "Remembrance of Great Ancestors"

At the event, the director of the Institute of Social and Spiritual Research, the scientist Olimjon Davlatov, the deputy chairman of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, Botirjon Ergashev, the adviser to the rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Olimkhan Akramov, the first vice-rector Bahadir Boborajabov, Youth work, spirituality and the head of education department Ravshan Ghaziyev, deputy deans and students participated.

The event was opened by the first vice-rector B.N. Boborajabov. O. Davlatov conveyed the content of the ghazals of Navoi's work to the participants. B. Ergashev spoke to the students about the life and work of Navoi. During the event, the students memorized the ghazals and rubai written by the great poet, thinker, prominent state and public figure Alisher Navoi, and at the end of the event, the students who actively participated with art books were awarded.