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The service readiness of the public group "SHIELD" was inspected at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

Kuni kecha Toshkent kimyo-texnologiya institutiga O'zbekiston Respublikasi Milliy Gvardiyasi boshlig'i o'rinbosari hamda bir qator mas'ullar tashrif buyurdilar. Tashrif davomida institutimizning talaba-yigitlardan tashkil topgan "QALQON" jamoatchilik guruhining xizmatga shayligi, xizmat kiyimlarining mavjudligi ko'zdan kechirilib, jamoaga "QALQON"ning maqsad va vazifalari tushuntirib o'tildi.

Ma'lumot uchun "QALQON" jamoatchilik guruhining vazifasi talabalar turar joylari, yotoqxonalar, universitet hududlarida jamoat tartibi, xavfsizlik, jamiyatda yurish-turish va axloq-odob, sanitariya va ekologiya, yong'in va harakat xavfsizligi qoidalariga fuqarolar (talabalar) tomonidan rioya qilinmagan hollarda tegishli organlar bilan birgalikda tushuntirish ishlarini olib borish hisoblanadi.

The "SHIELD" team was formed at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, which consists of students who have served in the military and have selfless, personal role models and leadership skills.

In cooperation with the National Guard, a visit was made to the University of Public Security, located in Zangiota district, Tashkent region, in order to acquire skills for the operation of this team, proper organization of work, team movement and exchange of experience.

During the visit, the "SHIELD" team of the institute was welcomed to the sounds of the military orchestra.

The cadets of the Public Security University demonstrated to the group members combat tactical exercises, demonstration with weapons, manners of marching in line, and combat scenes with various weapons.

During the visit, the leadership of the University of Public Security congratulated him on the first step to this honorable profession and wished him success in his future work. He emphasized once again that it is an honorable duty to serve in the way of maintaining the country's peace, well-being, and peace among the public.

During the visit, the members of the "SHIELD" team got to know the university's educational buildings, auditoriums, training grounds, training halls, visual aids, and service equipment and vehicles used during service activities.

The members of the group, closely acquainted with the experience of industry representatives, drew the necessary conclusions.

According to the joint decision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports, to educate students in the spirit of military patriotism, to help maintain public order "Shield" public group is being organized in each higher education institution in order to prevent offenses and combat crime, to help stabilize the social and moral environment in higher education institutions.

In particular, the ceremony of handing over certificates to the members of the "Shield" public group consisting of students of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology was held.