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A festive event called "Honor to you, applause to you, dear teachers" was held at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

Today, the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology held a festive event called "Honor to you, applause to you, dear teachers" in connection with "October 1 - Teacher and Mentor Day".

Rector of our institute Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich, vice-rectors, deans, heads of departments, professors, teachers, honorary teachers and students took part in this event organized by the initiative of the institute's management.

At the beginning of the event, the rector of our institute B.Sh.Usmanov congratulated all the professors and teachers on the holiday and emphasized that in the image of teachers, they are enlightened, knowledgeable, passionate, noble people who serve to inculcate the feeling of human qualities.

After that, the national poet of Uzbekistan Bobir Bobomurod, who visited our institute, made a speech and congratulated the professors and teachers of our institute on "October 1 - Teacher and Mentor's Day" with his poems. pleased the participants.

At the event, a group of art representatives from the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater visited and congratulated the professors and teachers of our institute, the labor team, and labor veterans who have mentored us for many years.

Among others, Hamid Toshpolatov, Vazirakhan Yunusova and Madina Mukhtorova spoke and showed their creations to the participants. They also emphasized that their teachers played a big role in their reaching this level and said that each of us should respect our teachers.

A group of dedicated workers of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology was awarded on the occasion of "October 1 - Day of Teachers and Trainers".