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A delegation of representatives of Debrecen University of Hungary visited the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

Today, Prof. Dr. from Debrecen University of Hungary visited the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology. Karoli Peto - vice-rector for general affairs, Dr. Okszana Kiszil - director of coordination and strategic issues, Dr. Laszlo Stundl - Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Dr. Laszlo Yerdey - Deputy Dean for International Relations of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. Dr. Peter Sipos - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management and Prof. Dr. Ildiko Backsay - Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy visited.

In the main building of the institute, under the leadership of the delegation members and the rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich, the vice-rector for educational affairs Safarov Toyir Tursunovich, the vice-rector for international cooperation Babakhanova Zebo Abdullayevna, the department for working with enterprises and educational institutions A meeting was held with the participation of vice-rector Shernayev Anvar Normamatovich, head of the department of international relations Saidakhmadov Saidumarkhan Saidabror son

The meeting discussed issues of student exchange, joint education and joint development of academic programs, sending professors and teachers in the field to Debrecen University to exchange experience and improve their skills.

At the moment, a cooperation meeting with the participation of delegation members and heads of departments is going on in the meeting hall of the institute.

In the first part of the day, a meeting with the members of the delegation was held under the leadership of the rector. After that, there was a meeting of the department heads of the faculty and the members of the delegation led by the deans of the Faculty of Food Technology and the Faculty of Winemaking Technology and Industrial Viticulture. 'tdi.

At the meeting, the organization of scientific internships of professors and doctoral students of the institute, organization of 2-week summer internship programs, recommending graduates of the institute to study for master's degree at Debrecen University on the basis of a grant, carrying out scientific work in cooperation, preparation of scientific projects and a number of issues were discussed. Participants of the meeting participated with their reports.

In the afternoon, the members of the delegation visiting from Hungary got acquainted with the Food Technology building, technology park and departments.

First, the members of the delegation got acquainted with the technological park located at the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, and then with the educational laboratories of the Department of Food and Perfumery and Cosmetic Products Technology, as well as with the educational and scientific activities of professors and teachers, doctoral students and students. got to know each other closely.

During the visit, the members of the delegation visited the Department of Food Safety and Functional Products Production Technology and got acquainted with the processes of preparation of meat and dairy products based on new technologies and approaches.

After the visit, the members of the delegation got acquainted with the work being carried out in the field of grain and grain products at the department of technology of food and perfumery-cosmetic products.