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At the initiative of the Department of Informatics, Automation and Management of the Faculty of Food Technology of the Tashkent Institute of Chemistry and Technology, for the graduating students of the Academic Lyceum of the Tashkent Institute of Chemistry and Technology to enter a higher education institution and to conduct career guidance among young people. "Open door day" was held.

At the event, vice-rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology T.T. Safarov, Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology U. Baltabayev, Head of the Department of Informatics, Automation and Management O.R. Boboyorov, Head of the Department of Food Safety and Functional Product Production Technology E. Sanayev, the teacher of this department and the teachers of the Academic Lyceum participated.

The event was opened by T.T. Safarov, vice-rector for academic affairs. The students of the visiting graduating class received detailed information about the institute, the faculties, educational areas, student life, conditions created for students, the educational process, the credit-module system, international relations, and laboratories.

Also, a tour was organized to the educational laboratory "Technology of storage and preliminary processing of agricultural products" at the faculty. In addition, if the graduates of the academic lyceum in Tashkent are admitted to this institute after successfully passing the tests, more opportunities will be created for them. information was provided.

There were questions and answers about the event with students of academic lyceum and they expressed their opinions.