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A spiritual and educational event was held at the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Fuel and Organic Compounds of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology with the participation of members of the Writers' Union.

On April 5 of this year, a round discussion was held with the participation of the members of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, doctor of science, professor Bahadir Karim, poet Aziz Said, writer Davron Rajab and writer, literary critic, scientist Bahadir Qabul.

In it, the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Bahodir Nasriddinovich Boborajabov, a member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, doctor of science, professor Bahadir Karim, a poet, a member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan Aziz Said, writer Davron Rajab, a member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Science, a member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, professor, writer, scholar of literature Bahodir Qabul, and Nilufar, head of the Shaykhontohur District Department of the Republican Spirituality and Enlightenment Center. Aliboyeva, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of Fuel and Organic Compounds Yusupova Lola Azimovna and Deputy Dean of the Faculty for Work with Youth J. Siddikov, tutors and students took part.

The event was opened by B.N. Boborajabov, the first vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology. The book "Otachiroq" by writer Bahadir Qabul was also presented at this event.