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Open classes were organized by professors who applied for vacant positions and who applied for the transition from intern-teaching to assistant teaching positions at the Department of "Physics and Energy" of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Technologies of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

On January 9, 2025 at 1:30 PM, an open lesson was held by the assistant of the Department of Physics and Energy, Daminova Sayyora.

Topic: Laws of constant current

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, main building, room 102

On January 9, 2025 at 1:30 PM, an open lesson was held by the assistant of the Department of Physics and Energy, Abdurazzakov Khurshidjon.

Topic: Basic conditional symbols in electrical circuits and elements of electrical circuits. Construction of electrical circuits

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, main building, room 102

On January 9, 2025 at 2:00 PM, an open lesson was held by the assistant of the Department of Physics and Energy, Boriboyev Shavkat.

Topic: Kinematics of translational and rotational motion

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, main building, room 102

The discussion was attended by members of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of "NGT": Head of the Department of "Physics and Energy" A.I. Khudaiberdiyeva, Associate Professor U. T. Asatov, Professors, Head of the Department of Education Quality Control T.B. Turayev, B.J. Sapayev, Associate Professors: Mamatkulov M.N., Muminova Z.A., Senior Lecturers: Ernazarov Sh. N., Tulametov M.A., Isayev F.F. Speaking, , mentioned the achievements and shortcomings of Kh.T. Abdurazzakov's open lesson, including that Abdurazzakov Khurshidjon had theoretical knowledge, organized the lesson process well, and behaved freely. He acknowledged that he had conducted several laboratory and practical lessons on the subject of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics for students of the "Technology, Machines and Equipment" department last academic year as a test, and that he had conducted these lessons qualitatively and using information and communication technologies. Daminova Sayyorani and Boriboyev Shavkat spoke about the necessary knowledge and skills, both theoretical and practical, organized the lesson process well, and behaved freely. Boriboyev Shavkat and Abdurazzakov Khurshidjon were approved for transfer to assistant positions, and Daminova Sayyora was approved for intern teaching.