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The international innovation-investment forum has started its work.

The event within the framework of the week of innovative ideas "InnoWeek-2023" was opened by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Ibrahim Abdurahmanov.

- Many reforms have been implemented in Uzbekistan in recent years. Most of them are related to youth and science. In building the future of new Uzbekistan, attention is paid to innovation and science as the main directions. It is very important to work with international partners in their development.

Innovation means youth. Commercialization is important for innovation to thrive. Creativity plays an important role in this. New ideas, new thoughts and new projects come from young people here.

I. Abdurakhmanov made a special appeal to investors:

- When you invest in innovation, you will be given various benefits. Also, if you want to introduce innovations, tax concessions are given.

People need to notice the innovation today. Not tomorrow. For this reason, your investments can also bring relief to people's lives.

The institute headed by Usmanov Botir Shukurillaevich, rector of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, and a delegation visiting Hungary are taking part in the event.