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As part of the international week "Green chemistry and sustainable development", sports competitions were held among the students of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology.

As part of the international week "Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development", sports competitions were held among the students of the Tashkent Institute of Chemistry and Technology. The coordinator of "Five initiative projects" and "Military-patriotic projects" of IBT youth council revealed. On the first day of sports competitions, boys competed in table tennis and girls in chess.

According to the results in table tennis among boys:

1st place Muzaffarov Fazil - student of NMKTF 22-13 group.

2nd place Toychiyev Jahangir - student of VTSUF group 22-49.

3rd place Imomov Ogabek - student of YOBKTF group 22-20.

By type of chess among girls:

1st place Omondillayeva Manzura - student of NMKTF 22-01 group.

2nd place Saidullayeva Gulbahor - student of OOMTF 31-20 group

3rd place Faizullayeva Layla - student of NMKTF 22-15 group.

On May 24, an inter-floor chess competition among girls was held in the student residence.

The coordinator of "Students-girls" and "Youth register and patronage projects" of the youth council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan revealed.

1st place: 1st floor Ghulomova Shahnoza B21 06u OO4 group student

2nd place: II floor Eshpolatova Marjona B21 01u KT5 group student;

3rd place: III floor Murodova Muhlisa B21 06u OO6 group students won.